Tech Fest 4 Social Good

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Our Lead Software Developer took part in a panel discussing their work on the Include Journey UK app, mentioned in a previous case study. This event was the Tech Fest 4 Good 2021 run by the Wales Cooperative Centre. The statement from the panel was: “Our aim is to build legal tech and software prototypes to help with a range of things in the legal sector, from access to justice, to machine learning and document processing.”

The Wales Co-operative Centre is a not-for-profit co-operative organisation that supports people in Wales to improve their lives and livelihoods.

For more than a decade we’ve been helping people to gain fundamental digital skills so that they can access information, services and jobs. As well as our work on digital inclusion, we are working with the charity and social business sector to help it harness digital technology for social good.

Tech for Good describes a movement and a community of people who care about harnessing technology to effect positive social impact.

It’s about seeking technological solutions to make things better for people, society and the planet and at the heart of this lies the commitment to putting people first. The number of people and organisations thinking and operating in this space is increasing and the type of the activity they engage in is constantly evolving.

This event further promoted our work with the Third Sector in tackling poverty and social exclusion.


Extracting key information from cases


Sustainability & Wellbeing Scheme